Ear, Nose & Throat

Middle ear anatomyOtorhinolaryngologists, Dr. Gamble, and Dr. Kubala care for children and adults with ear, nose, and throat disorders.

Ear Symptoms and Disorders

Ear Treatment and Surgery

Nose, Sinus and Allergy Symptoms and Disorders

Nose, Sinus and Allergy Disorders and Treatment

Throat Symptoms and Disorders

Throat Disorders and Treatment

Head and Neck Symptoms and Disorders

Head and Neck Disorders and Treatment

OSNT’s Advanced Office-Based Technology and Services

Hearing / Audiology: Our audiologists provide comprehensive evaluation, management and follow up care utilizing sound proof booths/hearing testing equipment and hearing aid dispensing.

ENT Diagnostic Equipment: Flexible and Rigid endoscopes to view the nose, sinuses, throat and larynx (voice box).

Dr. Gamble and Dr. Kubala are ear, nose, throat, and sinus surgeons in Plano and Dallas. If you would like to schedule an appointment with our office, please call us at our Plano office at 972-378-0633 or Dallas office at 214-239-1641.